Inside Urgent Care

Listeners can find new and past episodes of “Inside Urgent Care” on major podcast platforms. Advertise on the 20+ minute show that shares inside perspectives and authentic conversations from those working in the space. New episodes are announced to UCA’s 18,880+ audience through UCAccess and social media.

Minute Show

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Ad Specs

  • Published the third Wednesday of every other month
  • 30s ad script, to be read 1x  by UCA during 20-min podcast
  • Ad may be commercial in nature
  • Advertiser may submit 30s audio clip in place of script for $150 upcharge fee 


  • Member – $1,000 per month
  • Non-member – $1,200 per month

Deadlines and Submission Requirements

  • Ad spot must be secured and paid in full 2 weeks prior to episode air date
  • Ad script (or audio clip) must be submitted by first Wednesday of episode air month
  • For more on cancellation, refund and rescheduling please view UCA Advertising and Promotion Policy

UCA Advertising and Promotion Policy