CME Joint Providership
Let's partner together to provide outstanding Continuing Medical Education (CME) for your audiences!

UCA Joint Providership Program

UCA offers AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ for CME through joint providership.

UCA is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to certify education and issue CME credit to physicians. 

ACCME defines joint providership as the offering of a CME activity by one or more accredited and one or more non-accredited organizations. All joint providership CME activities must be consistent with UCA’s CME mission and comply with ACCME standards.

How to Partner with UCA for your cme activity

Learn more about our joint providership process and discover useful resources to help you begin planning your CME activity!

CME Activity Planning Process

The planning process below outlines roles and responsibilities of your organization and UCA.

  1. Your Organization: To initiate the planning process, fill out an Activity Planning Form
  2. Your Organization: Execute a UCA CME Joint Providership Agreement.
  3. UCA: An Accreditation and Designation Statement of CME offered for the activity is issued after initial deposit is received.
  4. UCA: The activity is then entered into the ACCME Pars System.
  5. Your Organization: Issue a Call for Speakers/contributors or invite pre-determined speakers/contributors.
  6. UCA: Create a task list for speakers/contributors.
  7. UCA: Collect speaker/contributor list for tracking purpose using the CME Contributor Tracking Form.
  8. UCA: Collect financial relationship information from all persons involved in the planning and delivery of the CME activity, using the Disclosure Form.
  9. UCA: Mitigate the financial relationship, if necessary, with this Mitigation Form
  10. Your Organization: Collect content for the activity.
  11. UCA: Content is peer reviewed, use this Peer Review Form.
  12. UCA: Review promotional materials.
  13. UCA/Your Organization: Notification to activity participants of speakers with disclosures. Note: Disclosures are only needed for those relationships that have financial relationships to disclose.
  14. Your Organization: Execute the activity.
  15. Your Organization: Collect learner feedback through the Claiming CME Form. Note: Activity will be added to appropriate forms.
  16. UCA: Award CME certificate to learner, after validation of claim. 
  17. UCA: Summarize learner feedback and address gaps identified for use in planning future activities.
  18. UCA: Report activity and learner information to ACCME, using the ACCME Pars System.
  19. UCA: Close the activity in the ACCME Pars System.
  20. UCA: Complete Annual Reporting for ACCME in the ACCME Pars System.

Submit an Activity Planning Form.

Once received, we will review your form and if approved you will receive a UCA CME Joint Providership Agreement to sign. 

A non-refundable administrative fee will be invoiced upon this signed agreement and payment is due within 30 days

CME Credit Fee

The CME credit fee will be charged at a rate of $300 per credit hour.

CME credit hours are calculated in 15-minute increments. Please note that this fee applies to all presentations, including those scheduled concurrently. For example, if two CME eligible sessions are held simultaneously from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm, the fee would be $600 total ($300 per presentation, per hour). This fee will be invoiced at the conclusion of your event. The CME credit fee will not be invoiced if the event is cancelled prior to peer review of presentations/content. 

Administrative Fee

A non-refundable administrative fee is required to secure and execute this joint providership agreement (see Tiered Administration Fees). This fee is separate from the CME credit fee. 

Tiered Administrative Fees Per Activity Type 

Tier One: $150 Administrative Fee: Committee Learning, Enduring Material, Internet Searching, Webinar. 

Tier Two: $350 Administrative Fee: Learning from Teaching, Journal, Manuscript Review, Test-item Writing. 

Tier Three: $750 Administrative Fee: Quality Improvement, Regularly Scheduled Series, and Live Course (Virtual or Live). 

If your activity includes one or more of these types of activities, you will be charged for each administrative fee. For example, if you are doing a live course and learning from teaching (often considered speaker prep) you will be charged both administrative fees totaling $1,100. 

Activity types are defined by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. 

In order to be considered for joint providership with the UCA, the interested organization must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Not be an ACCME-accredited provider.
  • Submit the Activity Planning Form at least 45 days before the first day of the CME activity

NOTE: ACCME does not permit ineligible entities to be joint providers. ACCME defines an ineligible entity as any entity producing, marketing, re-selling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by or used on patients. Providers of clinical service directly to patients are not considered to be ineligible entities, unless the provider of clinical service is owned or controlled by an ACCME-defined ineligible entity. Further information is provided on the ACCME website.

Activity Types

Tier One: Committee Learning, Enduring Material, Internet Searching, Webinar. 

Tier Two:  Learning from Teaching, Journal, Manuscript Review, Test-item Writing. 

Tier Three: Quality Improvement, Regularly Scheduled Series, and Live Course (Virtual or Live). 

Contact The Learning Experience Team if you have any questions about joint providership pricing and process.


We strive to provide continuing medical education (CME) activities designed specifically for the Urgent Care setting.    

Our content will include material applicable to the Urgent Care setting, and our formats will recognize the education access challenges of Urgent Care clinicians.

Expected Results

Our goal is the continuous development of the practice of Urgent Care medicine. This results in the elevation of clinician competence in clinical and practice management skills and provides practical application to perform this work in the Urgent Care setting. Thereby, patient outcomes are improved.