EM Coding Bundle


$99 for Members and $129 for  Non-Members! Login to see membership pricing or become a member today!

This robust EM coding bundle is jam packed with:

  • 4 videos of two coding challenges per video
  • A document “Common Urgent Care Scenarios” which highlights level 3 and level 4 urgent care visits
  • AMA Level of Medical Decision Making Grid

Videos Include

  • Coding Challenge 1 & 2- Strep Pharyngitis/UTI
  • Coding Challenge 3 & 4- COVID/Ped URI
  • Coding Challenge 5 & 6- Asymptomatic/Asthma
  • Coding Challenge 7 & 8- Cat Bite/Pneumonia
  • Common Urgent Care Scenarios


Full Description

$99 for Members and $129 for  Non-Members! Login to see membership pricing or become a member today!

Coding Challenge 1 & 2- Strep Pharyngitis/UTI

Are you prepared to engage in a coding challenge? Please take the opportunity to view a brief video detailing two distinct patient scenarios: one involving a pediatric patient diagnosed with strep pharyngitis, and the other concerning a patient with a urinary tract infection (UTI). Your task is to determine whether these cases correspond to level 3 or level 4 categorizations for urgent care visits. I encourage you to review the video and ascertain the accuracy of your assessments.


Coding Challenge 3 & 4- COVID/Ped URI

Are you ready to undertake a coding challenge? Kindly view a concise video outlining two patient scenarios: first, a patient diagnosed with COVID-19, and second, a pediatric patient presenting with an upper respiratory infection (URI). Your objective is to ascertain whether these scenarios warrant classification as level 3 or level 4 urgent care visits. I invite you to watch the video and validate the accuracy of your determinations.


Coding Challenge 5 & 6- Asymptomatic/Asthma

Are you prepared to participate in a coding challenge? I invite you to view a brief video that presents two distinct patient scenarios: one involving an asymptomatic patient seeking STI testing, and the other concerning a patient diagnosed with asthma. Your task is to determine whether these scenarios align with level 3 or level 4 categorizations for urgent care visits. I encourage you to review the video and assess the accuracy of your conclusions. You will be surprised!


Coding Challenge 7 & 8- Cat Bite/Pneumonia

Are you ready for a coding challenge? I recommend watching a brief video that presents two patient scenarios: one involving a patient with a cat bite, and the other concerning a patient diagnosed with pneumonia. Your task is to determine whether these scenarios qualify as level 3 or level 4 urgent care visits. Take a moment to review the video and assess the accuracy of your judgments.


Common Urgent Care Scenarios

Encountering challenges in distinguishing between level 3 and level 4 urgent care visits? I invite you to peruse this informative chart detailing 10 prevalent urgent care complaints. Engaging with this resource can significantly enhance your precision in medical coding practices.

Additional information


Brad Laymon PA-C, CPC, CEMC


.pdf, Video

Publication Date



1 hour


Brad Laymon