Building an Approach That Works in Urgent Care


Dr. Jeffrey Schor and Jason Dupuis will share the journey that PM Pediatrics has embarked on in building their Patient Experience strategy

Full Description

​In this interactive session, Dr. Jeffrey Schor and Jason Dupuis will share the journey that PM Pediatrics has embarked on in building their Patient Experience strategy over the past 13 years. Breaking the journey into small parts, they will discuss what things they implemented when, what in hindsight they may have done differently, and the key areas they have focused on, or are focusing on, to allow them to continue their rapid scale into the future. Participants can expect to leave with things to consider in building their own strategy as well as an application of the 4S model (Space, Staff, Systems, and Stuff) that will help them better visualize their strengths and opportunities.

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Jason Dubuis, Jeffrey Schor


1 hour, 17 minutes

Publication Date



Urgent Care Association