Return to Play after COVID-19 infection (Infograph)

Evaluation for Resumption of Physical Activity/sports Activity for a Child/Adolescent With COVID-19. Do all children who have experienced a SARS-CoV-2 infection, whether symptomatic or not, require a follow-up visit?

Download this two page flow chart with easy to follow direction based on symptons.

Full Description

Evaluation for Resumption of Physical Activity/sports Activity for a Child/Adolescent With COVID-19. Do all children who have experienced a SARS-CoV-2 infection, whether symptomatic or not, require a follow-up visit?


The coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has created profound challenges for communities, families, and individuals. While some of the challenges that characterized the initial phase of the pandemic have eased in their intensity, such as the need for quarantine and physical isolation, continued guidance on the effects of and response to the virus and the pandemic is needed.

This guidance applies to children and adolescents who are participating in and/or returning to physical activity, inclusive of but not limited to, organized sports and physical education class within school. Pediatricians should consider any children or adolescents who participate in any physical activity, organized or not, to fall within the context of this guidance.

Learn more at the American Academy of Pediatrics,

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American Academy of Pediatrics


American Academy of Pediatrics


2 pages

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