Urgent Care Awards Nominations Closed – January 13

Each year the Urgent Care community acknowledges the work of those advancing Urgent Care.

The winners, nominated by their peers and selected by the Urgent Care Association & College of Urgent Care Medicine Awards Committees, will be recognized at the 2025 Urgent Care Convention in Dallas.

UCA Award Categories include: Rising Star, Outstanding Achievement, Advocacy, Lifetime Membership, Humanitarian, Quality and Safety and Becky Burress Unsung Hero.

CUCM Award Categories include:  Sean M. McNeeley, MD, FCUCM Advancing the Specialty and Joseph Toscano, MD, FCUCM Inspiring Excellence Award. 

In addition to industry accolades and recognition, Urgent Care Award winners receive:

    1. Inclusion in promotional materials for the Urgent Care Convention and Urgent Care Foundation Celebration
    2. Placement on the UCA website
    3. Inclusion in Awards press release and UCA’s biweekly newsletter, UCAccess

Urgent Care Association Awards

The Urgent Care Association will honor an individual who is within their first 5 years of their career within Urgent Care and who is seen as having already “made a mark” within their organization or the industry through a proven track record of leadership, innovation, and dedication to community. Nominees must be an active member of UCA.

  • New to the industry but already starting to stand out with a significant effort or achievement
  • Efforts likely to benefit all of Urgent Care
  • Exemplifies leadership and is a role model for others.
  • Self-starter, independently pursuing involvement in organization-wide or wider initiatives

Recognizes significant clinical, managerial and/or administrative achievements in the field of urgent care medicine that have had an impact on the Urgent Care industry. Nominees may be an individual, an organization, or a company and must be an active UCA member.  Award recipients are selected based on their creativity, unselfishness, compassion and cooperative attitude in seeking ways to make lasting contributions to Urgent Care.

  • Single or multiple collective efforts that have impacted the entire urgent care industry 
  • Historically a new or unique creation or initiative 
  • Examples of past awardee achievements: 
    • Founding a national journal 
    • Establishing a national-level certification 
    • Overseeing the original establishment of national-level benchmarking 
    • Moving specific national-level legislation forward 
  • The difference between this award and Lifetime Membership is that this award is for contributions to the INDUSTRY vs. to UCA 

Recognizes an individual, organization, or company for their outstanding contributions to the association’s grassroots, state, or federal advocacy efforts. Nominees must be an active member of UCA.

  • Significant contributions or achievement in advocacy work 
    • Successful introduction of new regulations or legislation favorable to urgent care 
    • Successful elimination of regulation or legislation negatively impacting urgent care 
    • Achievement of significant milestones in pursuit of the above 

The UCA Lifetime Membership Award was established to recognize longstanding members who have continually dedicated much of their professional career to the advancement of the UCA. For decades, these extraordinary members have repeatedly volunteered time and effort serving for the betterment of the Association. The awardee will be granted complimentary lifetime membership to UCA. Nominees must be an active member of UCA.

  • Someone who has been consistently involved in UCA for multiple years, achieving specific outcomes that benefitted THE ASSOCIATION (vs. the industry) as part of their involvement on committees, boards, etc. 
  • The difference between this award and Outstanding Achievement is that this award is focused on contributions to UCA vs. to the industry 
  • NOTE:  All UCA Past Presidents also receive Life Membership 

Awarded for significant medical volunteer work by an individual, organization, or company that has had a positive impact on a national or international cause or event. Nominees must be an active member of UCA.

  • Involvement in Humanitarian efforts at the state, national or international level such as: 
    • International medical mission trips 
    • Improving access to care issues to the underserved across a large population. 
    • Disaster response efforts 

Recognizes an individual, organization, or company engaged in quality/safety-improvement initiatives that focus on improved safety or patient outcomes in the field of Urgent Care medicine.  Nominees must be an active member of UCA.

  • Leadership in successful implementation of significant improvements in quality or safety initiatives 
  • Leadership in successful implementation of new approaches to quality or safety concerns 
    • Original programs to address identified issues in Urgent Care safety 
      • Antibiotic Stewardship 
      • Workforce Safety, Burnout 
      • Emergency preparedness 

This Award was established to honor our first “Unsung Hero” Becky Burress, UCA’s very first staff member. Becky passed away suddenly in August 2019, and this Award serves as a permanent honor for all those exceptional team members whose attitude and enthusiasm stand out above the others. This person is a team builder, organizational/industry cheerleader, and the optimist who always finds the good in people and the upside in every situation. These were Becky’s qualities—and we want to recognize other individuals who light up the room and make those they encounter feel the energy.   Nominees must be an active member of UCA.

  • Primarily intended for support/front-line staff – not senior leaders 
  • Consistent positive attitude and enthusiasm that is infectious across working relationships 
  • Considered a “cheerleader” for Urgent Care and/or the organization and/or UCA or affiliates 

Click here to enjoy Becky Burress’s Banana Nut Bread Recipe, a little forever-gift from Becky to the Urgent Care world.

College of Urgent Care Medicine Awards 

First awarded Spring 2022 to Dr. McNeeley. Awarded Spring 2023 to Tracey Davidoff, MD, FCUCM. 2024 to Jasmeet Bhogal, MD, FCUCM

  • A CUCM member with 5 or more years in Urgent Care or emergency medicine who has made significant and sustained contributions to advancing the specialty of Urgent Care medicine through one or more of the following:
    • Significant contributions to the mission and activities of the College through one or more of the following as an active member or leader: board position, task force involvement, committee participation
    • Clinical education participation or leadership impacting advancement of the specialty (The Urgent Care Convention, The Assembly, webinars, town halls, contributions to Urgent Caring, JUCM and other relevant publications)
    • Demonstration of a commitment to advancing Urgent Care medicine by curating, developing, sharing and/ or distributing industry specific and relevant resources
    • Thought leadership and contributions to initiatives focused on elevating the specialty of Urgent Care medicine in the medical community Collaboration with other medical societies and stakeholders to improve clinical quality and the health of the communities we serve
    • Advocating for the contributions made by the Urgent Care clinician community

First awarded Spring 2023 to Dr. Toscano. 2024 to J.D. Zipkin, MD

  • A CUCM member with 5 or more years of medical experience in Urgent Care or emergency medicine who has made significant and sustained contributions to the industry by inspiring excellence through one or more of the following:
    • Relentlessly raising the bar and expectations for educating and measuring the impact of interventions directed at improving care delivery and clinical outcomes
    • A trusted champion for empirical, data driven clinical care in the UC environment
    • Creating, distributing, and enhancing clinical best practices nuanced to Urgent Care medicine
    • Supporting, encouraging, or participating in industry specific clinical research
    • Creating or implementing initiatives that attract sought after master clinicians to the UC industry or industry learning experiences

View Past Award Winners

View the extensive list of past winners who have led our industry.