Outbreak of Suspected Fungal Meningitis in U.S. Patients who Underwent Surgical Procedures under Epidural Anesthesia in Matamoros, Mexico
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is issuing this Health Alert Network (HAN) Health Update to supplement the CDC HAN Health Advisory issued on May 17, 2023. This Health Update provides updates on the status of the ongoing fungal meningitis outbreak and highlights interim recommendations for diagnosis and treatment. Full Access: CDC
The Rising Importance of Urgent Care in the Fight Against the STI Epidemic
After a brief hiatus during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the rate of new sexually transmitted infections has resumed at epidemic rates in the United States. With many specialty STI clinics having closed, urgent care may be better positioned than ever to help curb their spread.
Full Access: JUCM
The Mifepristone Case and the Legitimacy of the FDA
Recently, for what appears to be the first time in history, a federal court in Texas invalidated the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) approval of a drug—after more than 20 years on the market with a strong safety and efficacy record. The drug, mifepristone, blocks progesterone and has a range of uses, from treatment for Cushing syndrome to, when used together with misoprostol, ending a pregnancy, and managing miscarriage. The 2-drug regimen is used for more than 50% of abortions in the US.
Full Access: JAMA
Ectopic Pregnancy and Lifesaving Care
Ectopic pregnancy accounts for approximately 2% of all reported pregnancies according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In the first trimester, ectopic pregnancies are the most common cause of pregnancy-related death, accounting for 2.7% of these deaths. Ectopic pregnancies cannot be relocated to the endometrial cavity and thus lack potential to safely progress to birth. Given these facts, treatment of an ectopic pregnancy is incontrovertibly necessary and lifesaving care; denying or restricting such care would be both unethical and illegal.
Full Access: JAMA