Urgent Updates | February 15, 2024

Gabapentinoids Increase Exacerbation in COPD

In patients with COPD, gabapentinoid use was associated with increased risk for severe exacerbation. This cohort study supports the warnings from regulatory agencies and highlights the importance of considering this potential risk when prescribing gabapentin and pregabalin to patients with COPD. Full Access: Annals of Internal Medicine

Updates on Sports Related Concussion from The 6th International Conference on Concussion In Sport

Over the last 20 years, the Concussion in Sport Group has met periodically to develop statements guiding the assessment and management of sports related concussions. The most recent meeting of the group took place in Amsterdam, Netherlands, in October 2022 and produced updated and freely available, evidence-informed tools to assist in the detection and assessment of sports related concussion (SRC). These tools include: the Concussion Recognition Tool-6 (CRT6); Sport Concussion Assessment Tool-6 (SCAT6); Child SCAT6; Sport Concussion Office Assessment Tool-6 (SCOAT6); and Child SCOAT6. The latest statement can prove clinically useful for many urgent care patients and practitioners as it specifically provides up-to-date guidance for athletes who have sustained a suspected SRC at any level of sport (ie, recreational to professional). Full Access: JUCM

Second Malaria Vaccine Highly Protective, Trial Results Show

A malaria vaccine developed by the University of Oxford and the Serum Institute of India prevented around three-quarters of symptomatic malaria cases in young children the first year after they got the shots, results from a large trial. The vaccine, which has already been approved for use by regulators in three West African countries and the World Health Organization, is the second to become available this year. Full Access: Medscape

Major Drug–Drug Interaction Exposure Among Medicaid-Insured Children in the Outpatient Setting 

This study aimed to determine the prevalence of major DDI exposure and factors associated with higher DDI exposure rates among children in an outpatient setting. One in 5 Medicaid-insured children with ≥2 prescription medications were exposed to major DDIs annually, with higher exposures in those with medical or mental health complexity. DDI exposure places children at risk for negative health outcomes and adverse drug events, especially in the harder-to-monitor outpatient setting. Full Access: AAP