Quality Programs Resources

The resources on this page are available to UCA Quality Program participants and access to these resources is granted by Quality Program via an access code. If you have not received an access code, please have your Quality UCA Key Contact email us at quality@urgentcareassociation.org 

Please enter the code provided to you to access files:

Files Available for Download

Commendation Checklists

Antibiotic Stewardship Checklist - miniicon

Specialty Training Checklist - miniicon

Files Available for Download


UCA Sample Documents

Sample - Application Organizational Chart - pdf_miniicon


Commendation Checklists - (only required if applying for in conjunction with certification)

Antibiotic Stewardship Checklist - miniicon

Specialty Training Checklist - miniicon


The password you have entered is incorrect, please insure that it matches exactly to the password you were provided without any spaces. For questions, please reach out to us at info@ucaoa.org.