Accompanied by her mother 18 hours after swallowing a foreign body, a 5-year-old female presents to Urgent Care. The incident was not witnessed, but the patient told her mother that she had swallowed a small “decorative piece” while she was at her grandmother’s house. The patient complained of the feeling of something being stuck in her throat right after ingesting the foreign body. This was resolved after drinking water. Mother and patient deny any other symptoms including dysphagia, cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, abdominal pain or vomiting. The last bowel movement was 4-5 hours ago, with normal stool consistency, and no foreign body was noticed. The mother brought a sample of the foreign body that the patient ingested, which appears to be a plastic decorative piece of about 2 cm (See image 1). No pertinent past medical history or surgical history.
Image 1
Vital Signs
Blood pressure 88/58, Pulse 97, Respiratory rate 18, Oxygen saturation 98%, Temp 37.2 °C (99 °F), Weight 18.3 kg (40 lb 4 oz)
Physical Exam
Patient is not in acute distress or toxic appearing. Child is well developed. No drooling observed. Oropharynx exam is normal. Cardiovascular: Rate and rhythm: Normal rate and regular rhythm. Pulmonary: Pulmonary effort is normal. No respiratory distress or nasal flaring. Breath sounds: Normal breath sounds. No stridor. No rhonchi. No crackles, No wheezing. No intercostal or subcostal retractions. Abdominal: Bowel sounds are normal. There is no distension. Abdomen is soft. There is no mass. There is no abdominal tenderness. There is no guarding or rebounding.
Neck and chest radiograph were normal.
Abdominal X-ray showed a non-obstructive bowel pattern, no dilated loops. Oval radiodense foreign body projecting in the R L Q measuring 2.3 cm x 2cm.
Children swallowing foreign bodies is a very common chief complaint. The most common foreign body ingestion in United States are coins.1 The populations with higher risk for foreign body ingestion are preschoolers, adolescent boys and children with mental health issues. Children aged one to three years account for the majority (61.9%) of all ingestions. 2
Most of the foreign body ingested will pass through the GI tract without any complications. In some cases, the foreign body can be too large to pass, or it can adhere or injure (sharp objects) the GI mucosa, or cause chemical/burn injury (button battery or a medication patch) requiring immediate intervention.1
Urgent Care evaluation
The initial step after a foreign body ingestion is to promptly assess the airway. A complete history and physical examination are crucial with specific attention to clinical presentation, details about the material ingested (type, size, number, and shape), time lapse since ingestion and last meal. 1,2 Clinicians must obtain a detailed past medical history including preexisting GI tract abnormalities (strictures, fistulas, diverticula, or functional abnormalities), previous GI surgeries which increases the risk of complications. 3
Symptoms may vary based on the age of the patient and the anatomic area involved. Patients may present with throat, neck and chest pain, foreign body sensation, drooling, gagging, vomiting, irritability or refusing to eat. Cough, hematemesis, abdominal pain, or hematochezia/melena can be present. Some symptoms might be exacerbated when swallowing.1-4
Plain radiographs are normally the initial step (anteroposterior and lateral) of the neck, chest and abdomen).1-4
Most children with low-risk ingestions may be simply observed. Symptomatic patients may require more advanced imaging, such as contrast-enhanced radiography or MRI or endoscopy. 1 Unexpected foreign bodies can be found in radiographs when evaluating non-specific symptoms (cough, fevers, weight loss).
Any symptomatic patient should be referred to the ER, especially if the airway is compromised or esophageal/intestinal obstruction is suspected.1,4 Certain objects in the distal esophagus can be monitored to assess passage into the stomach, but foreign bodies found in the esophagus should be referred for endoscopic removal.4
When discharging a patient with normal GI tract after a low-risk foreign body ingestion that is expected to pass without complications, patients and caregivers should be instructed on the signs and symptoms of subsequent potential complications.
Pearls for the Urgent Care Clinician1,2,3,4:
1Sukumar SP, Balachandran K, Sahoo JP, Kamalanathan S. Zebra lines in osteogenesis imperfecta on bisphosphonate therapy. BMJ Case Rep.
2013 Feb 25;2013:bcr2012008536. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2012-008536. PMID: 23440989; PMCID: PMC3603775.
2Al Muderis, M. MD1; Azzopardi, T. FRCS(Ed)1; Cundy, P. FRACS1. Zebra Lines of Pamidronate Therapy in Children. The Journal of Bone &
Joint Surgery 89(7):p 1511-1516, July 2007
3DOI: 10.2106/JBJS.F.00726A, Marini J. Osteogenesis imperfecta. The Lancet. 387:10028, 16-22 April 2016, 1657-7.