Joseph Toscano, MD, FCUCM

Lifetime Member

Joseph Toscano, MD, FCUCM, received his medical degree from Duke University School of Medicine in 1989 and trained in internal medicine at the Naval Hospital in San Diego. He has practiced emergency and Urgent Care medicine for over 30 years and is currently an attending emergency physician at San Ramon Regional Medical Center in California and Urgent Care Clinician at John Muir Medical Center, both in the East San Francisco Bay area. In addition to caring for patients, he is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Urgent Care Medicine (JUCM), and develops and reviews CME materials for a variety of other publications.   

Dr. Toscano has served as a board member for the Urgent Care Association (UCA) and College of Urgent Care Medicine (CUCM) as Clinical Content Advisor for many years, developing the clinical curriculum for the annual Urgent Care Conventions. Moreover, Joseph has published articles within JUCM, served as facilitator and faculty for CUCM and UCA Learning Experience webinars, is a leading contributor to the UCA Listserv, and generally contributed in various ways above and beyond the role he officially serves within the Urgent Care Association. Current efforts include leading the work on advancing Urgent Care as a specialty, representing UCA in ongoing conversations with board certification organizations, and volunteering on the CUCM Clinical Task Force.